As we celebrate our 50th anniversary, we invite you to join us in the Help and Hope Campaign, an initiative designed to strengthen the future of our schools and enhance our legacy of effective ministry to students and families. This campaign aims to raise $5,000,000 to fund five critical projects that will not only expand our facilities but also enrich the educational experiences of our students. From growing our preschool capacity at Grace Elementary to improving outdoor spaces for middle schoolers and revitalizing aging infrastructure, each project is a vital step in ensuring our schools can continue to thrive. Together, we are continuing to offer help and hope for our community and the generations to come. Your support is essential as we take the next step on this transformative journey!

Project 1 of our campaign aims to complete the unfinished space on the second floor of Grace Elementary, creating six new classrooms to significantly expand our preschool capacity and accommodate flexible growth for kindergarten through 5th grade.

Project 2 focuses on enhancing Middle School Park by adding a new driveway, age-appropriate recreation equipment, and an outdoor learning lab, providing well-equipped outdoor space for break, lunchtime play, and PE.

Our aging middle and high school facilities need urgent repairs and updates. After successfully completing Phase 1, which improved hallways and stairwells, Phase 2 will refresh classrooms and offices for a brighter learning environment. This phase also includes new roofing for the Pavilion Gym and repairs to parking lots, ensuring our facilities remain functional for years to come.

Project 4 addresses the growing needs of our athletic programs by pursuing an initial site assessment at Challenger Park. It aims to develop Phase 1 of a new athletic complex that will include a much-needed running track and a combined football and soccer field, providing essential space for middle and high school student-athletes to practice, play, and receive mentorship through athletics.

Project 5 aims to reduce or retire the mortgage on our secondary campus, decreasing operational overhead and allowing more flexibility in funding teacher salaries and other immediate needs that directly enhance student learning and discipleship.